Sexual harassment is an unwanted sexual behavior which can be intended to either women and man. Either way, sexual harassment is a serious matter and will not be tolerated by UM. These sexual behaviors can be directed to the victims through words, body language, gestures and physical movement, which may occur repetitively that affects the victims both emotionally and physically.
Sexual harassment can be categorised in:
This happens when one abuses his/her power in return for sexual favors. This can be seen in situations such as students getting pressured to do sexual activities for a better grade. This category of sexual harassment might result to serious consequences such as the students’ continuance in studies.
This happens when one gives out unwelcomed sexually related behavior that is disrespectful, intimidating or hostile to the victims. This can be seen in situations where the victim gets catcalled, when the victims are getting date invitations repeatedly or when victims are being stalked. This category of sexual harassment does not affect the victims in terms of suspension of study but might creates an offensive or uncomfortable surrounding to the victims making it harder for them to proceed with their works.
Types of sexual harassment
There are different form of sexual harassment, however so it is best to keep in mind that the keyword is unwanted act. Sexual harassment may include but not limited to the following acts:
- Memberi komen tentang bentuk badan, fizikal atau pakaian seseorang secara seksual.
- Meminta atau mencadangkan kegiatan seksual
- Mengejek dalam konteks seksual atau bersiul siul untuk mendapatkan perhatian seseorang
- Membuat jenaka berunsurkan perkara lucah seperti jenaka rogol dan sebagainya
- Memaksa atau tidak berhenti mengajak seseorang untuk keluar berdua-duaan walaupun telah ditolak beberapa kali
- Membuat ancaman kepada seseorang bagi mendapatkan layanan seksual
- Making sexual comments about a person’s physical or clothing
- Requesting or suggesting sexual activities
- Cat calling
- Making sexual jokes such as rape jokes
- Pressuring someone to go out for a date even after several rejection
- Threatening someone for sexual favors
- Giving undesired letters, texts or video calling, or sexually explicit items
- Flashing someone
- Intentionally touching someone’s body part without consent
- Cornering someone or leaning over them
- Patting head, stroking or playing with someone’s hair, hugging or kissing
- Giving neck or shoulder massages that is undesirable
- Repeatedly giving out unwanted social invitations making one feel pressured to participate
- Suggesting or begging continuously for date or sexual related activities
- Any sexual harassment acts that makes one feel mentally scared such as threatening to do something in return for sexual activities
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is one of the sexual offences that is prohibited in the criminal law. Some forms of sexual assaults are threatening or attempting to touch one’s private parts, attempting to rape or rape someone, or taking one clothes off without reasonable excuse. There are many other forms of sexual assault and it is not limited to what is mentioned only.
UM Policy
- Sexual harassment is a wrongdoing that is not tolerable in UM whether it is amongst the students, between the staffs and students or between any members of the university.
- UM is dedicated in providing a safe and supportive environment for learning and growth of all UM students that is free from sexual harassment. Assuring all members of UM is in sexual harassment- free zone is everyone’s responsibility.
- Sexual harassment is a wrongful act which is considered serious and can be punished with the appropriate penalty
- All Heads of PTj are required to take appropriate steps towards increasing the understanding of sexual harassment through awareness and educational programmes.
- Complaints of sexual harassment will be handled in a private and confidential manner. Any form of inappropriate action against a UM member who exercises his or her rights to lodge a complaint is prohibited and may be penalized.
What can you do if you feel that you have been sexually harassed:
- If you feel that you have been harassed, do not ignore it and do not feel guilty. People often choose to remain silent in the face of offensive sexual behaviour for fear of retribution by their harasser. This will inevitably make the problem worse.
- Confront the harasser. Tell the harasser to immediately stop their conduct and antics. Dare to speak up so that the harasser would put a stop to the harassment. Be clear and specific about the behavior that is making you uncomfortable.
- Seek support and confide immediately with friends, colleagues, or any trusted person so that you would not feel that you are going through this all by yourself.
Details that you should take note of before/during/after the incident:
1. Date of harassment
2. Time of harassment
3. Exact location of harassment
5. The harasser’s behaviour
7. Tell a trusted friend, family member or lecturer what happened and write down the details of those conversations. Not only can they provide support, but they may also be able to provide corroborating statements should you need them.
8. Store all documentation in a safe place and make sure it is backed up.
2. Time of harassment
3. Exact location of harassment
- Physical location
- Online
5. The harasser’s behaviour
- What exactly happened during the incident, what did the harasser do to you?
- Was it a recurring incident? and if so exactly how many times and since when did it start
- Were there any other victims other than yourself who were involved in this incident?
- Were there any witnesses who witnessed the behaviour
7. Tell a trusted friend, family member or lecturer what happened and write down the details of those conversations. Not only can they provide support, but they may also be able to provide corroborating statements should you need them.
8. Store all documentation in a safe place and make sure it is backed up.
how to report a sexual harassment incident?
Internal Channels
Other Internal Sources
Pelajar boleh mendapatkan bantuan dan informasi tentang gangguan seksual melalui saluran yang dibawah:
Akademic/ Institute/ Faculty
Residential College
Dikarang oleh: Deanna F. Eizlyn binti Khairul Herman & Farhan Hadeed bin Johan Shamsuddin